
Menopause Hospital
If you are 40 – 55 years young, and you have had no menstrual periods for 12 or more months, then you have possibly attained the menopause.
While some women have minimal or mild symptoms during the menopausal transition, others experience severe debilitating symptoms.
What are the common symptoms of the menopause?
Some have very few or even no symptoms and their periods simply stop happening. However, for the majority of women it is not so straightforward and around 80% of all women experience several symptoms. The symptoms you may experience vary between different women. These symptoms often have a very negative impact on your life and can really affect your relationships with your partner, family and work colleagues.
Symptoms include hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disruption, insomnia, exhaustion, mood swings, palpitations, chest pain, breathlessness, depression, anxiety, hair loss or thinning, vaginal dryness, bladder weakness, incontinence, urinary tract infections, lack of libido, change of body shape, dry eyes, dry mouth, memory loss, poor concentration, brain “fog”, aching joints and muscles, headaches and migraines.
Menopause and Perimenopause symptoms can include the following:
- migraines
- hot flushes
- low sex drive
- osteoporosis
- heart disease
- fibromyalgia
- mood swings
- thyroid issues
- urinary tract infection
- cholesterol disorders
- leaky bladder syndrome
- unexplained weight gain
- chronic fatigue/lack of energy
- lack of focus/foggy moments
- thinning hair and wrinkling skin